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Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

Natalan TK-SD Kanisius Klepu

Hari Sabtu 12 Januari 2012, keluarga besar TK-SD Kanisius Klepu mengadakan Natalan bersama. Acara Natalan ini dibuka dengan doa yang dipimpin oleh Yoga kelas 6, setelah itu ada penampilan dari anak-anak TK dan dari tiap kelas. Ada yang menari tari tradisional, tari moderen, drama, menyanyi/koor, dan fashion show. Bapak Eko Yance, selaku Kepala Sekolah SD Kanisius Klepu, mengatakan bahwa acara Natalan tersebut untuk merayakan Natal dan Tahun Baru serta untuk berbahagia dan bergembira bersama. Diharapkan semua keluarga besar SD Kanisius Klepu untuk berbahagia dan bergembira bersama.
            Setelah acara Natalan bersama anak-anak selesai, para bapak ibu guru TK-SD Kanisis Klepu mengadakan potong tumpeng di TK Kanisius Klepu. Acara potong tumpeng di TK tersebut di dukung oleh para wali murid TK Kanisius Klepu. Acara tersebut juga untuk merayakan Natal 2012 dan Tahun Baru 2013. 
Litha dan Karin kelas 2

Jenny dan Fefe kelas 1 menari "Topeng"

Ini campuran kelas 2 dan 3

Kelas 3. Wikan sang biolis, Bu Ika (wali kelas 3) memegang mix

Penampilan kelas 6

Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Body and Face :D

Let’s Learn about Body and Face :D
This is materials of english lesson grade 3 and 4. Oke, body and face....
The first, part of our face, there are....
1. Hair: rambut                                             11. Ears: telinga
2. eyebrow: alis
3. Eyes: mata
4. Nose: hidung
5. Nose stril: lubang hidung
6. Cheek: pipi
7. Lips: bibir
8. Mouth: mulut
9. Teeth: gigi
10. Chin: janggut

Next part,...
1. Hand : tangang                                         7. Elbow: siku
2. Finger: jari tangan                                               8. Arm: Lengan
3. Fingernails: kuku jari tangan
4. Chest: Dada
5. Neck: Leher
6. Shoulder: pundak
Next part,...
1. Leg: kaki
2. Foot: kaki ; feet: kaki(2) =untuk napak
3. Toes: jari kaki
Let’s sing a song:
1. Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes (Nada: Kepala, Pundak, Lutut, Kaki)
Head, shoulder, knees, and toes (knees and toes) 2x
And eyes, and ears, and mouth and cheek
Head, shoulder, knees and toes

2. If you’re happy (Nada: Jika Kau Suka Hati)
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands (clap-clap) 2x
If you’re happy and you know it, then you really want to show it, if you;re happy and you know it clap your hands. (Clap-Clap)
            If you’re happy and you know it stomp your foot (stomp-stomp) 2x
            If you’re happy and you know it, then you really want to show it, if you;re happy and you know it stomp your foot. (Stomp-stomp)
If you’re happy and you know it say hore (Hore) 2x
If you’re happy and you know it, then you really want to show it, if you;re happy and you know it say hore (Hore)
            If you’re happy and you know it do it all (clap, stomp, hore)
            If you’re happy and you know it, then you really want to show it, if you;re happy and you know it do it all (clap, stomp, hore)

1. My .... is not bald.
2. I have ....on my head.
3. We smell with our ....
4. The ... lies lower from the mouth.
5. We open our ... when we wake up.
6. My right .... is swollen. I have toothache.
7. We can’t hear well with one ...
8. we open our ... when we eat.
9. We walk with our ....
10. we write with our ....

1. bald: botak
2. smell: mencium (bau)
3. lies: terletak
4. lower: lebih rendah/lebih bawah/ d bawah
5. Open: membuka
6. Wake up: bangun
7. Right: kanan
8. Swollen: bengkak
9. Toothache: sakit gigi
10. Hear: Mendengar
11. Eat: Makan
12. Walk: Berjalan
13. Write: Menulis

Would it be graded, Miss??

Would it be graded, Miss??
                It is so annoying question when my students ask about that; would it be graded??
Is it important to get a good mark or to understand the materials? To be honest, for me, both of them are important. For students, it is important to get good mark, but it is more important to understand the materials, right?
If they do the exercises, tasks, and homework are only because the grade, it will useless. They get good mark, but after that they do not know and do not understand the materials. So, not do your homework, tasks, and exercises because of your teacher will grade it. Do all of them with patient :D
Hehehee.... :D  

I am totally at the sea....

Idiom....So, what is idiom?
Oke, I would tell about idiom. Based on the Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (3th) edition, idiom is a group of words with a meaning that is different from the meaning of all the individual words.
For examples: 1. Pull your socks up = improve your behavior
                            2. Put your coat = change your mind about sth
Oke,. Now, I would like to share some idioms. Actually I got it when I listened to Swaragama FM, the program is Think English Think Easy on Monday at 8am.
1. I am totally at the sea = don’t know what to do, confused, bingung harus ngapain
2. Carrying a torch = memberi harapan-harapan (cinta)
3. Speak the same language = selalu seia-sekata
4. Turn the coat = berubah pikiran
5. Taken a shape = sudah mendarah daging, sudah dalam
6. Catch sb a red handed = tertangkap basah
7. stroke in a wrong way = membuat sangat marah
8. Have a word = perlu berbicara
9. Dropped crocodile’s tear = meneteskan air mata buaya
10. run a mile = pergi menjauh
11. The act of God = kehendak Tuhan
12. Kick the bucket = bunuh diri
13. Let the cat out of the bag = biarkan rahasianya terbongkar

Now, I have a story related to the idioms above, let’s enjoy the story :D
                Frans; a friend of mine. We knew one another in one of the church’s activity. Yet, the fact was he had been having a girlfriend. As the time went by, it seemed that both of us were carrying a torch. That was our fault. Yes, our fault. Then, I realized that I have to run a mile from him because it seemed that I was the third person for their relation. I was totally at the sea. He always said that all of that was the act of God, but still, I felt so sorry. One day, his girlfriend was catch me a red handed. I was so sorry, I was so guilty, and moreover she was my friends. Oh God!! It made her stroke in a wrong way. Finally, their relationship was ended by both of them.
                Still, I felt so sorry. Yet, I turned the coat on him. And now, please, do not drop your crocodile’s tears anymore. I need to have a word with him, a need have a word with his ex-girlfriend too.
That is really my imagination story :D