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Jumat, 23 Desember 2011
Merry Christmas..... :)
OMG...Christmas almost come,..and to be honest, I haven't ready to celebrate it. During the advent, only once I went to the mass, that was in the second advent. But,...Marry Christmas to everybody....Hahhaaa....:)
Dimana ada cinta, disitu tidak ada permintaan, pengharapan, dan ketergantungan. Saya tidak meminta orang untuk membuat saya bahagia; kebahagiaan saya ada di dalam diri saya. Kalau orang itu meninggalkan saya, saya tidak akan menyesali diri; saya sangat senang berada di dekat orang itu, tapi saya tidak terikat dengannya (Anthony de Mello)
Baguss banget ya kata-katanya. Tapi jujur saja, sulit untuk diterapkan. Hahaa.... "Dimana ada cinta, disitu tidak ada permintaan, pengharapan, dan ketergantungan". Wah ini ni, tambah sulit untuk diterapkan. Ketika kita mencintai seseorang, pasti yang kita harapkan atau pengharapan kita adalah timbal balik atau respon bahwa orang yang kita cintai juga mencintai kita. Kita meminta, ya bukan meminta sih ya...supaya dia mencintai kita, atau paling nggak dia memperhatikan kita secara "special" lah ya? Kalo "ketergantungan", bagi saya mungkin mencintai seseorang tidak berarti saya menjadi tergantung padanya. Ya..mungkin sedikit tergantung sih, tergantung pengen bisa ketemu dia.Hahhaa... ^.^
"Saya tidak meminta orang untuk membuat saya bahagia;kebahgiaan saya ada di dalam diri saya". Wahh setuju..setuju banget deh kalo ini. Saya tidak meminta orang lain membuat saya jadi bahagia, tapi saya juga berharapp sekali mereka tidak membuat saya sebel, marah dan kecewa. Mungkin, kebahagiaan itu bisa mengalir sendiri kog. Apa yang kita lakukan bersama mereka ataupun hanya sebuah kebersamaan bersama mereka (ngobrol bareng) bisa membuat kita bahagia. Kebahagiaan itu muncul dalam diri saya sendiri dan saya juga tidak meminta mereka untuk membahagiakan saya. Hanya ngobrol bareng, ternyata juga bisa membuat bahagia..hahhaa...:)
"Kalau orang itu meninggalkan saya, saya tidak akan menyesali diri; saya sangat senang berada didekat orang itu, tapi saya tidak terikat dengannya"
hahaha...kaLo ini gimana ya? Kalau orang itu meninggalkan saya, saya akan sangat sedih, yaa..pasti saya akan sangat sedih. Saya pasti akan kehilangan waktu2 yang menyenagkan bersama dia. Saya sangat2 senang dan nyaman berada di dekat dia, tapi saya berusaha untuk tidak tergantung pada dia, karena ini adalah hidup saya dan ini adalah kebahagiaan saya.
So, don't lies our happiness on others shoulder. This is my own life, I should live my own life. I am the captain of myself. Loving someone doesn't mean that he should be mine. Sometimes, it's hurt me so much. Yes, I love him, but the fact that he has a girl friend or the fact is that he can't. So, then what I could do is that admire him. Hahhaa...Maybe this is s stupid thing, only admire someone. But, yeah,.I have to face the fact that I only able to admire him. At least, we are able to be a friend. Friend is lasting forever, right? hahaa...^.^
Baguss banget ya kata-katanya. Tapi jujur saja, sulit untuk diterapkan. Hahaa.... "Dimana ada cinta, disitu tidak ada permintaan, pengharapan, dan ketergantungan". Wah ini ni, tambah sulit untuk diterapkan. Ketika kita mencintai seseorang, pasti yang kita harapkan atau pengharapan kita adalah timbal balik atau respon bahwa orang yang kita cintai juga mencintai kita. Kita meminta, ya bukan meminta sih ya...supaya dia mencintai kita, atau paling nggak dia memperhatikan kita secara "special" lah ya? Kalo "ketergantungan", bagi saya mungkin mencintai seseorang tidak berarti saya menjadi tergantung padanya. Ya..mungkin sedikit tergantung sih, tergantung pengen bisa ketemu dia.Hahhaa... ^.^
"Saya tidak meminta orang untuk membuat saya bahagia;kebahgiaan saya ada di dalam diri saya". Wahh setuju..setuju banget deh kalo ini. Saya tidak meminta orang lain membuat saya jadi bahagia, tapi saya juga berharapp sekali mereka tidak membuat saya sebel, marah dan kecewa. Mungkin, kebahagiaan itu bisa mengalir sendiri kog. Apa yang kita lakukan bersama mereka ataupun hanya sebuah kebersamaan bersama mereka (ngobrol bareng) bisa membuat kita bahagia. Kebahagiaan itu muncul dalam diri saya sendiri dan saya juga tidak meminta mereka untuk membahagiakan saya. Hanya ngobrol bareng, ternyata juga bisa membuat bahagia..hahhaa...:)
"Kalau orang itu meninggalkan saya, saya tidak akan menyesali diri; saya sangat senang berada didekat orang itu, tapi saya tidak terikat dengannya"
hahaha...kaLo ini gimana ya? Kalau orang itu meninggalkan saya, saya akan sangat sedih, yaa..pasti saya akan sangat sedih. Saya pasti akan kehilangan waktu2 yang menyenagkan bersama dia. Saya sangat2 senang dan nyaman berada di dekat dia, tapi saya berusaha untuk tidak tergantung pada dia, karena ini adalah hidup saya dan ini adalah kebahagiaan saya.
So, don't lies our happiness on others shoulder. This is my own life, I should live my own life. I am the captain of myself. Loving someone doesn't mean that he should be mine. Sometimes, it's hurt me so much. Yes, I love him, but the fact that he has a girl friend or the fact is that he can't. So, then what I could do is that admire him. Hahhaa...Maybe this is s stupid thing, only admire someone. But, yeah,.I have to face the fact that I only able to admire him. At least, we are able to be a friend. Friend is lasting forever, right? hahaa...^.^
Kamis, 22 Desember 2011
Sebuah permainan
Semua berawal dari sebuah keinginan untuk melayani dan terlibat
Kita tak pernah kenal satu sama lain sebelumnya
Hingga wujud dari sebuah kepedulian itu berakhir,, kita baru mengenal satu sama lain
Situs pertemanan yang kala itu sedang naik daun pun menjadi media bagi kita untuk menjadi lebih saling kenal dan lebih dekat..
Yaa...menyenangkan memang..
Tapi...sebuah 'perbedaan' dan sebuah 'title' tak dapat kuhapus darimu
Tak dapat pula ku membutakan mata dan mematikan sebuah rasa
Sebuah 'title' yang sudah kukenal sejak kecil, dan..
sebuah title yang mungkin sangat penting bagimu,
bukan penting lagi menurutku, tapi itulah yang kau cari dalam hidup ini, itulah tujuan hidupmu, mencari Dia dalam setiap langkah dan hembusan nafasmu...
Dan, aku juga tak tau, kapan sebuah permainan ini kau mulai (kita mulai)..
Aku juga tak tau dan tak begitu menyadari kapan dan bagaimana aku memasuki semua permainan hati ini...
Kau membuat permainan ini begitu menyenangkan dan tampak begitu mudah bagimu dan bagiku juga..
Mungkin aku begitu mudah dan terlalu dalam masuk dalam permainan gila ini..
Entah apa yang sebenarnya kau cari, aku sama sekali tidak tau dan tidak bisa menebaknya...
Dan aku? Sebenarnya apa yang aku harapkan dan aku dapatkan?
Sebenarnya apa yang aku perjuangkan dari semua ini?
Kesenangan sesaat? Ya..mungkin itulah jawaban yang paling tepat..
Dan sekarang...perlahan tapi pasti aku ingin keluar dari permainan gila ini...Agak sulit dan menyakitkan memang...
Tapi lebih banyak orang yang benar-benar membutuhkanmu daripada aku...
Kita tak pernah kenal satu sama lain sebelumnya
Hingga wujud dari sebuah kepedulian itu berakhir,, kita baru mengenal satu sama lain
Situs pertemanan yang kala itu sedang naik daun pun menjadi media bagi kita untuk menjadi lebih saling kenal dan lebih dekat..
Yaa...menyenangkan memang..
Tapi...sebuah 'perbedaan' dan sebuah 'title' tak dapat kuhapus darimu
Tak dapat pula ku membutakan mata dan mematikan sebuah rasa
Sebuah 'title' yang sudah kukenal sejak kecil, dan..
sebuah title yang mungkin sangat penting bagimu,
bukan penting lagi menurutku, tapi itulah yang kau cari dalam hidup ini, itulah tujuan hidupmu, mencari Dia dalam setiap langkah dan hembusan nafasmu...
Dan, aku juga tak tau, kapan sebuah permainan ini kau mulai (kita mulai)..
Aku juga tak tau dan tak begitu menyadari kapan dan bagaimana aku memasuki semua permainan hati ini...
Kau membuat permainan ini begitu menyenangkan dan tampak begitu mudah bagimu dan bagiku juga..
Mungkin aku begitu mudah dan terlalu dalam masuk dalam permainan gila ini..
Entah apa yang sebenarnya kau cari, aku sama sekali tidak tau dan tidak bisa menebaknya...
Dan aku? Sebenarnya apa yang aku harapkan dan aku dapatkan?
Sebenarnya apa yang aku perjuangkan dari semua ini?
Kesenangan sesaat? Ya..mungkin itulah jawaban yang paling tepat..
Dan sekarang...perlahan tapi pasti aku ingin keluar dari permainan gila ini...Agak sulit dan menyakitkan memang...
Tapi lebih banyak orang yang benar-benar membutuhkanmu daripada aku...
Jumat, 16 Desember 2011
PPL's withdrawal
Hahhaa...akhirnya....hari Jumat, 19 Desember 2011...PPL d SMA Pangudi Luhur St.Louis IX Sedayu ditarik..yeii...Seneng deh.. :)
Banyak kesan, pesan dan pelajaran yang kami peroleh dari PPL ini. Ternyata kami memang kurang ikut dalam kegiatan sekolah... :(
Yang penting, kami harus tetap berjuang..hahaha....
Terimakasih..terimakasih....terimakasih untuk SMA PL St.Louis IX Sedayu, para guru dan karyawan, dan semua siswa-siswi SMA PL (khusunya kls XI IPS 2, senang bisa kenal, berproses dan belajar bersama kalian semua)
Kamis, 15 Desember 2011
How to Be a Good Student
Being a good student is important thing for all students. There are many benefits of being a good student, for examples we can get good grades, have many friends, can be popular, and of course we can help our friends to do their assignments. Therefore, we should know what the characteristic of a good student is. Here, good student means the student is good in both intelligence and behavior or socialization. The student is good in intelligence or in a course, but she/he is also good in socializing with others. So, good student is not only about getting good grades or highest grades but also good in socializing or able to socialize and communicate with all people. Being good student is not easy, but of course it is possible for all of us. So, what we have to do to be a good student are diligent to do the assignments, be proactive, and able to manage your time well.
The first step to be a good student is doing the assignments. To be a good student, we have to always do the assignments whether those assignments will be submitted and will be graded or not. We have to do our best for our assignments. The progress of our understanding of the course is important thing, although getting a good grade also important thing for us. When we are doing our assignments, do not plagiarize and copy-paste others’ work. We will get nothing from plagiarize and copy-paste others’ work. We have to do the assignments by own ability first. Then, if we have not understood about the topic, it is better for us to ask our teachers or our friends, we can ask them to explain again. To be a good student, we have to have courage to ask a question and never feel ashamed to ask a question. Do the mistake is OK. Sometimes, we know the right ones by learning from the mistakes. After doing the assignments without plagiarize and ask a question when we have not understood, we have to submit the assignments on time. Being on time also important for us, it can show that we are discipline students.
Next step to be a good student is be proactive. Be proactive means that we are having another good idea to do something. It is better for us not only depend on our teacher. Our teachers are one of the important and affecting people in our desire to learn, but we have to not only lie on them. We have to be proactive. The example is trying to find related references to learn more about the topic that we are learning. Never give up to find related sources or references that can help us to be better student. After finding other references and sources, try to do the exercises related on the topic. Doing the exercises is able to help us to be more understand about the topic. This way can help our brain accustomed to think about the topic that we are learning. We also should be creative. We can get related references and related exercises from the internet. There is much information provided by the internet. Through internet we are also able to do the exercises. Sometimes, it will be very helpful for us, because the exercises in internet are more interesting than exercises in books. So, do all the ways that can help us to be better students. If we try harder to get it, believe that we will get what we want. As Paulo Coelho said, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieved it.
Then, what is the other thing to be a good student? Yes, we need to socialize with others. It is important thing for us. We cannot survive without socialize with other. If we are very great and good student, but we cannot socialize with others it means nothing. Being a good student does not mean that we have to study every second and everywhere. It is also important for us to join some of communities. It helps us to refresh our mind and to have fun with our friends. It means that we have to manage our time well. There is time for studying and for having fun with. In socializing with others, we are also have to keep our behavior. Our behavior shows who we are. We have to be able to be a polite person. If we are polite, it is easy for us to get many friends. So, if we need help, we can call them to help us. We can also learn many things from our friends. Do not be afraid to learn or try something new, who knows it will give benefits for us and make us to be better person.
Being a good student is something that all students want. Good student is not only about get good grades and highest grades but it is also about our behavior and our socialization with other. There are many benefits of being a good student. It is not very easy to be a good student, but it is possible for all of us to be a good student. What we have to do to be a good student are diligent to do the assignments without plagiarize others’ work and submit it on time, be proactive and never give up to learn, and able to manage our time well. Let’s be a good student and be better person.
The first step to be a good student is doing the assignments. To be a good student, we have to always do the assignments whether those assignments will be submitted and will be graded or not. We have to do our best for our assignments. The progress of our understanding of the course is important thing, although getting a good grade also important thing for us. When we are doing our assignments, do not plagiarize and copy-paste others’ work. We will get nothing from plagiarize and copy-paste others’ work. We have to do the assignments by own ability first. Then, if we have not understood about the topic, it is better for us to ask our teachers or our friends, we can ask them to explain again. To be a good student, we have to have courage to ask a question and never feel ashamed to ask a question. Do the mistake is OK. Sometimes, we know the right ones by learning from the mistakes. After doing the assignments without plagiarize and ask a question when we have not understood, we have to submit the assignments on time. Being on time also important for us, it can show that we are discipline students.
Next step to be a good student is be proactive. Be proactive means that we are having another good idea to do something. It is better for us not only depend on our teacher. Our teachers are one of the important and affecting people in our desire to learn, but we have to not only lie on them. We have to be proactive. The example is trying to find related references to learn more about the topic that we are learning. Never give up to find related sources or references that can help us to be better student. After finding other references and sources, try to do the exercises related on the topic. Doing the exercises is able to help us to be more understand about the topic. This way can help our brain accustomed to think about the topic that we are learning. We also should be creative. We can get related references and related exercises from the internet. There is much information provided by the internet. Through internet we are also able to do the exercises. Sometimes, it will be very helpful for us, because the exercises in internet are more interesting than exercises in books. So, do all the ways that can help us to be better students. If we try harder to get it, believe that we will get what we want. As Paulo Coelho said, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieved it.
Then, what is the other thing to be a good student? Yes, we need to socialize with others. It is important thing for us. We cannot survive without socialize with other. If we are very great and good student, but we cannot socialize with others it means nothing. Being a good student does not mean that we have to study every second and everywhere. It is also important for us to join some of communities. It helps us to refresh our mind and to have fun with our friends. It means that we have to manage our time well. There is time for studying and for having fun with. In socializing with others, we are also have to keep our behavior. Our behavior shows who we are. We have to be able to be a polite person. If we are polite, it is easy for us to get many friends. So, if we need help, we can call them to help us. We can also learn many things from our friends. Do not be afraid to learn or try something new, who knows it will give benefits for us and make us to be better person.
Being a good student is something that all students want. Good student is not only about get good grades and highest grades but it is also about our behavior and our socialization with other. There are many benefits of being a good student. It is not very easy to be a good student, but it is possible for all of us to be a good student. What we have to do to be a good student are diligent to do the assignments without plagiarize others’ work and submit it on time, be proactive and never give up to learn, and able to manage our time well. Let’s be a good student and be better person.
Observasi ni....
Next month I'll do my KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata).I feel so happy to do the KKN because I know that I'll do my KKN in Merapi mountain. I mean in area around Merapi, and that was a great news that I got in Singlar, Glagahharjo. The view in Singlar is very..very wonderful and great. There are 4 RT there, but now the 2 RT were shattered because of the eruption. Now, there are only 2 RT in Singlar, and another 2 RT are in shelter. Singlar located for about 8km from Merapi and it is located in the right of Gendol river. Hopefully I can do my KKN well... :)
Contrast between Home Schooling and Formal Schooling
Education is one of the important things in human’s life. Through education people can change the world and through education they can survive too. One of the ways to get education is by school. There are two kinds of school. First is home schooling and second is normal schooling or formal schooling. The similarity of those kinds of school is both of them do the final examination. This text will focus on the contrasts between home schooling and formal schooling. The main differences that can be discussed between those two kinds of school are the student’s concentration, interaction with other people (socialization), and the method of teaching.
Nowadays, home schooling became one of the alternative educations for children although it does not get official diploma. Many parents choose this kind of education for their children because teacher teaches or handle only one or two students. This condition makes the student concentrate with their material well. But this condition makes them less of interaction with other people. They may cannot socialize with other people because they have a little chance to play or interact with other children or other people. On the other hand, the method of teaching is giving autonomy (freedom) to the student. They can decide the place and the time to study. They are also can choose the material that they need or which is important for their future.
Formal schooling is the most education which is done in Indonesia. Many parents are choosing formal schooling because it gets official diploma. In formal school, teachers teach or handle at least 20 or 35 students. This condition can make them have less of concentration through the process of teaching-learning activity. The teacher cannot guide them one by one because the limitation of time. Different from home schooling, the students of formal schooling have the bigger chance to interact with others. Everyday they socialize and interact with their friends, their teachers and other people that they meet on the way. Contrast with home schooling, formal school uses classical method. They cannot decide the place, the material, and the time to study. What they learn is according to the curriculum whether it is important for their future or not.
There are the differences between home schooling and formal schooling. Actually it depends on each person to choose whether home schooling or formal schooling. Each of them has their strength and weakness. The students of home schooling have more guidance. They also have more chance to develop their skill, because they can choose the material which is important for them. But they have a little chance to socialize with other people. The students of formal schooling have a little guidance from their teachers. The teacher’s guidance may be not balance from one student to the other. Besides, they cannot choose the material which they will learn. But they have the bigger chance to socialize with other people.
Nowadays, home schooling became one of the alternative educations for children although it does not get official diploma. Many parents choose this kind of education for their children because teacher teaches or handle only one or two students. This condition makes the student concentrate with their material well. But this condition makes them less of interaction with other people. They may cannot socialize with other people because they have a little chance to play or interact with other children or other people. On the other hand, the method of teaching is giving autonomy (freedom) to the student. They can decide the place and the time to study. They are also can choose the material that they need or which is important for their future.
Formal schooling is the most education which is done in Indonesia. Many parents are choosing formal schooling because it gets official diploma. In formal school, teachers teach or handle at least 20 or 35 students. This condition can make them have less of concentration through the process of teaching-learning activity. The teacher cannot guide them one by one because the limitation of time. Different from home schooling, the students of formal schooling have the bigger chance to interact with others. Everyday they socialize and interact with their friends, their teachers and other people that they meet on the way. Contrast with home schooling, formal school uses classical method. They cannot decide the place, the material, and the time to study. What they learn is according to the curriculum whether it is important for their future or not.
There are the differences between home schooling and formal schooling. Actually it depends on each person to choose whether home schooling or formal schooling. Each of them has their strength and weakness. The students of home schooling have more guidance. They also have more chance to develop their skill, because they can choose the material which is important for them. But they have a little chance to socialize with other people. The students of formal schooling have a little guidance from their teachers. The teacher’s guidance may be not balance from one student to the other. Besides, they cannot choose the material which they will learn. But they have the bigger chance to socialize with other people.
Rabu, 07 Desember 2011
Little poem [for you]... :)
The first time I met you, I knew that it will be a new experience for me..
Knowing about your life is something magical for me (am I too pleonastic? hahaaa...)
But, expecting you is something difficult to be imagined for me..
And, loving you is a howler for me, it will only hurt me so much..
Your smile is too sweet to taste..
And this is a little disaster for me when you always come in my difficulties..
It seems that you're like sunshine in my difficulties..
But again, loving you really2 make me sick..
This feeling is too beautiful to be forgotten..
Just go and continue your life
Just focus to your life and your destination
I'll raise you up...
and I'll support you...
Knowing about your life is something magical for me (am I too pleonastic? hahaaa...)
But, expecting you is something difficult to be imagined for me..
And, loving you is a howler for me, it will only hurt me so much..
Your smile is too sweet to taste..
And this is a little disaster for me when you always come in my difficulties..
It seems that you're like sunshine in my difficulties..
But again, loving you really2 make me sick..
This feeling is too beautiful to be forgotten..
Just go and continue your life
Just focus to your life and your destination
I'll raise you up...
and I'll support you...
Selasa, 06 Desember 2011
This is about the last assignment of SPD's meeting. So, we have to bring 4 eulogy; our eulogy (from our family, friends, colleague, and from community). Getting an eulogy from my family wasn't difficult for me, and it was not really surprising thing for my father. Why? Yeah, because my older brother and older sister have been asked for those assignments too. So I didn't need too many words to ask my father to make an eulogy for me.
But, it was a little difficult when I asked my friends to make an eulogy for me. At first, my friend didn't want to. He said that make an eulogy is an easy thing for him, but the problem is that he can't imagine my death and he can't make an eulogy without any feeling. Oh God...So Sweet...Hahhaa...But, finally, he was agree to make an eulogy for me. And, this was the eulogy from my friend
The other was from community, at first I asked my friend from PPA, actually she is also my friend in Senior High School. I was text her, but her reaction was almost same with my friend. Then I explained much more about what should she do. But, she didn't replay my SMS anymore. ggrr....
It was Sunday,..and I only got 2 eulogies, then I asked my other friend from community, Yani. She is my relative too. she just answered, "OK, mbak. d pake untuk kapan?" was..thank God for her answered. Finally, Sunday afternoon I came to her house, and she hasn't made anything. hahaha...I waited her for writing my eulogy. Due to she is clever and creative child, so it didn't need much time to write a simple eulogy for me. And this is an eulogy from her
Then, the value of this assignment was that many people scare of death? why? The fact is that all people will face a death, right? So what we have to do is do the good deeds as much as possible.
The other value is that I have to be grateful. This assignment reminds me that actually many people love me and many people care of me. I have to value my own life. So in the end of my life, people will celebrate my death, or at least people will remind me because of my great and wonderful life. Thanks for all who love me...I do love you too.... :)
But, it was a little difficult when I asked my friends to make an eulogy for me. At first, my friend didn't want to. He said that make an eulogy is an easy thing for him, but the problem is that he can't imagine my death and he can't make an eulogy without any feeling. Oh God...So Sweet...Hahhaa...But, finally, he was agree to make an eulogy for me. And, this was the eulogy from my friend
The other was from community, at first I asked my friend from PPA, actually she is also my friend in Senior High School. I was text her, but her reaction was almost same with my friend. Then I explained much more about what should she do. But, she didn't replay my SMS anymore. ggrr....
It was Sunday,..and I only got 2 eulogies, then I asked my other friend from community, Yani. She is my relative too. she just answered, "OK, mbak. d pake untuk kapan?" was..thank God for her answered. Finally, Sunday afternoon I came to her house, and she hasn't made anything. hahaha...I waited her for writing my eulogy. Due to she is clever and creative child, so it didn't need much time to write a simple eulogy for me. And this is an eulogy from her
Then, the value of this assignment was that many people scare of death? why? The fact is that all people will face a death, right? So what we have to do is do the good deeds as much as possible.
The other value is that I have to be grateful. This assignment reminds me that actually many people love me and many people care of me. I have to value my own life. So in the end of my life, people will celebrate my death, or at least people will remind me because of my great and wonderful life. Thanks for all who love me...I do love you too.... :)
Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011
Could you be Mine?
"could you be mine?"
and this question comes to my mind again..hahaa...
I want you to be mine...
haha..Yes, you!
I expect you to be mine!
Yes, you! Nobody else, but you! haha...
But, He chooses you..
He chooses you to be his disciple...
Yes, YOU!
Then, still, the question is same, "Could you be mine?"
Could I blind my eyes from all of this fact...
Could I expect you to be more than my friend?
Is loving you means a sin for me?
Is loving you means an impossible thing for me?
Still, I do expect you...hahahaa... :)
and this question comes to my mind again..hahaa...
I want you to be mine...
haha..Yes, you!
I expect you to be mine!
Yes, you! Nobody else, but you! haha...
But, He chooses you..
He chooses you to be his disciple...
Yes, YOU!
Then, still, the question is same, "Could you be mine?"
Could I blind my eyes from all of this fact...
Could I expect you to be more than my friend?
Is loving you means a sin for me?
Is loving you means an impossible thing for me?
Still, I do expect you...hahahaa... :)
Jumat, 02 Desember 2011
How To Handle Stress from Abundant Assignments?
Stress is the part of human life. If you are still able to feel stress, you should be happy and thanks to God. Feeling stress means that you're still alive, right? hahaha....:)
Having abundant assignments are very annoying us, and as the time goes by, they will make us feel stress. We have to be happy too because of those abundant assignments, at least all of those assignments will make us strong. Hahhaa....But, in this case, we have to handle our stress, so we can do all of our assignments.
First, love our assignments. Hohoo... :) Love the assignments then do the assignments. This is important for us, by loving the assignment first, we'll have a desire to do and finish our assignment.
Second, first in, first out. Hohoo...:) It is better not to delay our assignemnts. Do the first assignment, or at least we can do the assignments step by step, so our assignments won't be overlapping/too many. :)
Third, pay attention with our health. Don't forget to eat and sleep too. If we are sick, we can't do and finish our assignments, so it is better for us too keep our health so that we can do all of our assignments. :)
Fourth, do not grumble too much. Grumble too much won't help us to finish our assignments. so, what we need to do is just do and finish our assignments..
Having abundant assignments are very annoying us, and as the time goes by, they will make us feel stress. We have to be happy too because of those abundant assignments, at least all of those assignments will make us strong. Hahhaa....But, in this case, we have to handle our stress, so we can do all of our assignments.
First, love our assignments. Hohoo... :) Love the assignments then do the assignments. This is important for us, by loving the assignment first, we'll have a desire to do and finish our assignment.
Second, first in, first out. Hohoo...:) It is better not to delay our assignemnts. Do the first assignment, or at least we can do the assignments step by step, so our assignments won't be overlapping/too many. :)
Third, pay attention with our health. Don't forget to eat and sleep too. If we are sick, we can't do and finish our assignments, so it is better for us too keep our health so that we can do all of our assignments. :)
Fourth, do not grumble too much. Grumble too much won't help us to finish our assignments. so, what we need to do is just do and finish our assignments..
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