Let’s Learn about Body and Face :D
This is materials of english lesson grade 3 and 4.
Oke, body and face....
The first, part of our face, there are....
1. Hair: rambut 11.
Ears: telinga
2. eyebrow: alis
3. Eyes: mata
4. Nose: hidung
5. Nose stril: lubang hidung
6. Cheek: pipi
7. Lips: bibir
8. Mouth: mulut
9. Teeth: gigi
10. Chin: janggut
Next part,...
1. Hand : tangang 7.
Elbow: siku
2. Finger: jari tangan 8.
Arm: Lengan
3. Fingernails: kuku jari tangan
4. Chest: Dada
5. Neck: Leher
6. Shoulder: pundak
Next part,...
1. Leg: kaki
2. Foot: kaki ; feet: kaki(2) =untuk napak
3. Toes: jari kaki
Let’s sing a song:
1. Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes (Nada: Kepala,
Pundak, Lutut, Kaki)
Head, shoulder, knees, and toes (knees and toes) 2x
And eyes, and ears, and mouth and cheek
Head, shoulder, knees and toes
2. If you’re happy (Nada: Jika Kau Suka Hati)
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands
(clap-clap) 2x
If you’re happy and you know it, then you really want
to show it, if you;re happy and you know it clap your hands. (Clap-Clap)
you’re happy and you know it stomp your foot (stomp-stomp) 2x
you’re happy and you know it, then you really want to show it, if you;re happy and you know it stomp your foot. (Stomp-stomp)
If you’re happy and you know it say hore (Hore) 2x
If you’re happy and you know it, then you really want
to show it, if you;re happy and you know it say hore (Hore)
you’re happy and you know it do it all (clap, stomp, hore)
you’re happy and you know it, then you really want to show it, if you;re happy and you know it do it all (clap, stomp, hore)
1. My .... is not bald.
2. I have ....on my head.
3. We smell with our ....
4. The ... lies lower from the mouth.
5. We open our ... when we wake up.
6. My right .... is swollen. I have toothache.
7. We can’t hear well with one ...
8. we open our ... when we eat.
9. We walk with our ....
10. we write with our ....
1. bald: botak
2. smell: mencium (bau)
3. lies: terletak
4. lower: lebih rendah/lebih bawah/ d bawah
5. Open: membuka
6. Wake up: bangun
7. Right: kanan
8. Swollen: bengkak
9. Toothache: sakit gigi
10. Hear: Mendengar
11. Eat: Makan
12. Walk: Berjalan
13. Write: Menulis