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Minggu, 01 April 2012

then..I feel lonely

Yeah... Now, sometimes I feel so alone and I feel so lonely, moreover at my own come??

March15, 2012 my grandfather passed away. It was so shocking us so much. At the morning, I saw him in front of our house, he looked healthy as usual, he bought a "jamu". Then, I went to campus. In the afternoon, when I came back from the campus, he called my father, asked my father to accompany him to the doctor. At that time, my father was outside, so I answered my grandfather's calling, then I said to my father. After that, mf grandfather called me, he asked me to take the pillow which he had been bask. I done his asked, he still alive, he sit on his bed and it seemed that he was fine. He was cough, as usual. I never thought that it was the last time.

Everything goes so fast,.my father and my grandfather wanted to go to the doctor, but suddenly, my grandfather stopped in front of our house. He was quite, he didn't speak anything, even a word. Then, my father, my mother and I brought him to our house. Again, everything goes so fast..

My grandfather passed a way. It was really2 shocking us, it was too fast. He seemed healthy. Most of the people who came to his funeral are shock too. It was unbelievable for us.

I still remember about him, about his habit, etc. He would waiting for my sister and I outside of our house, moreover at night. He didn't want to enter our house if my sister or I haven't come yet. So touching, right? Before he died, he didn't said anything, I mean that he didn't said the "pesan2" for us. It was very shocking us.

After my grandfather passed away, my house was so crowded because all of my father's family back to Java. Maybe after 2 weeks, all of them back to Borneo. My aunt also back to Medari, and my brother also came back to Jakarta. There were only 4 people in my house; my mother, my father, my sister and I.

March27, 2012 my sister went to Bali, this is for 1 year maybe. So, can you imagine how lonely I am. Now, there are only 3 people in my house; my father, my mother and I. To be honest, I feel afraid in my own house. I feel lonely and sometimes I feel alone. Huhuu.... :(

6 komentar:

tommy mengatakan...

arli weaku temenin mau nggak?? hehehehe

biar ga sendirian, pergi kepasar donk,khan rame dsana,...

''Atau harus lari ke pantai belok ke hutan…'' biar ga sepi

Lucia Astri mengatakan...

mas tommy....hehehehee........^^
"arli weaku" ki apa'an, mas? yo ayo2 temani aku mas...ak kesepian..huwa2... :(

ngopo jal ng pasar? ide yg kurang bagus...hahhaa....

tommy mengatakan...

cuman ketambahan kok itu,g pke 'arli we' hehehe
hayuk,aku temenin sepedaan, ato basket,...
Tapi ak g pny sepeda,jadi km boncengin aku ya,... Basketnya jg g perlu pke bola, lari kesanakemari sambil loncat2 aj,... Khan yg penting ditemenin, y ga,... Hehehe

Lucia Astri mengatakan...

hyahhh...ayooo....tapi, masa' ming lari kesana kemari sambil loncat2? gak jelas nih, masnya... hahaa...

tommy mengatakan...

yaudah, siap2 ya, ntar aku pemanasan dulu,...

Lucia Astri mengatakan...

hayukk...hahhaa.. :D