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Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Observasi ni....

Next month I'll do my KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata).I feel so happy to do the KKN because I know that I'll do my KKN in Merapi mountain. I mean in area around Merapi, and that was a great news that I got in Singlar, Glagahharjo. The view in Singlar is very..very wonderful and great. There are 4 RT there, but now the 2 RT were shattered because of the eruption. Now, there are only 2 RT in Singlar, and another 2 RT are in shelter. Singlar located for about 8km from Merapi and it is located in the right of Gendol river. Hopefully I can do my KKN well... :)

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